Acupuncture Complementing Cancer Treatment

Acupuncture has many healing properties. Acupuncture and other forms of Traditional Chinese Medicine are known to be great complementary forms of treatment for those fighting cancer. Forms of TCM, such as acupuncture, are even used by hospitals and other health practitioners to work alongside chemotherapy.

Using sterile, hair-thin needles and placing them into specific pressure points on the skin, a licensed acupuncturist can tremendously affect the way a person’s body deals with cancer cells or the sometimes harsh medical treatments patients may be undergoing to fight the disease.

Chemotherapy and radiation can exhaust and break down a patient’s body, so the rejuvenating properties of acupuncture and TCM are welcomed by the recipient.

Check out these reasons acupuncture is a great complementary treatment for cancer patients.

  • Can help manage acute and chronic types of pain
  • Acupuncture can increase your white blood cell count, which is important for fighting cancer cells
  • Bolsters immune health
  • Assists with managing debilitating side effects, such as hot flashes, nausea, vomiting, depression, weight loss and physical and mental fatigue
  • Acupuncture is a safe treatment and can be used for all ages
  • Specific methods have been created to fight cancer
  • Acupuncture has been an effective form of pain management for thousands of years

Acupuncture is just one facet of TCM. There are other practices, such as tai chi, or qi gong that can keep you healthy or increase your immunity while fighting disease.

